Faculty of Science Academics Among Top 2% of Scientists Globally

Several Faculty of Science (FOS) academics have been named in a list of the top 2% of scientists in their main subfield discipline globally. The report of the top names was prepared by a Stanford University team headed by Professor John PA Loannidis (Loannidis et al. 2020, PloS Biology, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918 and updated dataset DOI: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.7). The team assessed the global 7 million scientists on the research they carried out during their career, using data collected up to the year 2023. This data was used to provide updated analyses and a publicly available database of top scientists that provides standardized information on citations, h-index, co-authorship-adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions, and a composite indicator.
Four of our academic staff, Professor Johan Willem Frederik Slik, Professor Mohammad Mansoob Khan, Professor Ulmar Grafe, and Professor Takaomi Arai are in the top 2% list of career-long citation impact, and seven academics, Professor Mohammad Mansoob Khan, Professor Johan Willem Frederik Slik, Dr Sakandar Hayat, Professor Takaomi Arai, Associate Professor Minhaz Uddin Ahmed, Associate Professor Anwar Usman, and Professor Ulmar Grafe are listed in the top 2% of scientists for the single calendar year 2023 in their subfield disciplines.
Dr Minhaz Uddin Ahmed is an Associate Professor of Chemical Sciences. His research interests are bioanalytical chemistry, biosensors, nanobiotechnology, point of care analysis, and diagnostic technologies for foods, biomedical and environmental samples. Dr Minhaz’s latest publications are available in here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=k7jlQGoAAAAJ&hl=en
Dr Takaomi Arai is a Professor of Environmental and Life Sciences. His research interests are Eel Biology and Ecology, Evolution of Fish Migration, Biology, Ecology and Habitat Use of Aquatic Organisms in Tropical Ecosystem, Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, and Environmental Science and Pollution. Dr Arai’s latest publications are available in here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NDWllLYAAAAJ&hl=en
Dr Ulmar Grafe is also a Professor of Environmental and Life Sciences. He is a tropical ecologist interested in understanding the functional role of amphibians in tropical ecosystems and human-altered landscapes, the behavioural ecology of foot-flagging frogs, the sensory ecology of frog-biting midges, the adaptive integration of bat flight patterns and biosonar behaviours using artificial intelligence, and the mutualistic relationship between woolly bats and pitcher plants. Dr Ulmar’s latest publications are available in here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AVjRvzMAAAAJ&hl=en
Dr Mohammad Mansoob Khan is a Professor of Chemical Sciences. He is working in the cutting-edge area of nanochemistry, nanosciences and nanotechnology, especially in inorganic nanohybrid materials such as synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles, nanocomposites and bandgap engineering of various semiconductors.
Dr Mansoob’s latest publications are available in here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ynzk598AAAAJ&hl=en\
Dr Johan Willem Frederik Slik is a Professor of Environment and Life Sciences. His research focuses on to understand spatial and temporal patterns in tree distributions with the help of remote sensing (GIS), molecular techniques and spatial and temporal modelling. As the tropical forests are now fragmented and mostly degraded, he aims to find ways to maintain the functions of tropical Asia’s natural ecosystems. Dr Johan’s latest publications are available in here: https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=-0pWdTcAAAAJ&hl=en
Dr Sakandar Hayat is an Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences. His research interests lie in algebraic combinatorics, applied combinatorics, mathematical chemistry, discrete mathematics, discrete applied mathematics. Dr Sakandar’s latest publications are available here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5U6M2UgAAAAJ&hl=en
Dr Anwar Usman is an Associate Professor of Chemical Sciences. His research interests lie in light-matter interactions, photophysics, photochemistry, photobiology, analytical chemistry, molecular dynamics, and nanoparticles and nanoscience. Dr Anwar’s latest publications are available here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=VGtNnlsAAAAJ&hl=en