GenNEXT Degree Programme
Our undergraduate degree is a four year course that aims to provide students with a comprehensive science programme, equip them with multidisciplinary knowledge and skills in science and other related field to take them into their professional career. Students will be given opportunities to access to resources and research facilities of our Faculty, advantages of learning inside and outside laboratory classes, and also to gain invaluable work experience during their Discovery Year.
Students are required to fulfill a minimum of 140 modular credits (MC), 72 MC for their chosen major area of study (Major Core & Option modules) and 68 MC for breadth modules.
The Bachelor of Science degree offers five disciplines:
- Applied Physics
- Chemical Sciences
- Environment and Life Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Geological Sciences
Students may select a subject as a Minor with a minimum of 24 MC of modules from any discipline that differs from his/her own major area or stream. The minor subject can be from any faculties/institutes/academy of the University.
Table of Contents
Entry Requirements
General Requirement | At least a credit C6 in English Language at GCE ‘O’ Level Examination or a grade ‘B’ in IGCSE English (as a Second Language) or an IELTS score of 6.0 or a TOEFL minimum overall score of 550 or a pass in the UBD Bridging English Course or Band B2 in the UBD English Proficiency Test |
‘A’ Level Qualification or its equivalent | A minimum of 160 points for two (2) ‘A’ Level passes or 200 points for three (3) ‘A’ Level passes in relevant subjects INCLUDING at least two in Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Computing and Geography, and one of these subjects must be at a minimum of Grade D |
International Baccalaureate | At least 24 points in International Baccalaureate Diploma or Certificate, with a minimum of 5 points each in at least two Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics) taken at Higher Level |
Higher National Diploma Qualification (HND) | 5 Merits of core modules excluding Communication Skills with at least Grade C in Mathematics at GCE ‘O’ Level Examination |
Applicants with Prior Work Experience | At least five (5) years working experience; and At least one (1) ‘A’ Level in a relevant subject OR five (5) merits and /or distinctions in HND, or its equivalent |
Module Classification
The classifications of all modules on offer within Faculty of Science are as follows:
Major Core & Option
Students must complete 72 MC of major core and option modules of their chosen discipline. Major Core modules are compulsory modules which all the students registered for a particular major must read and pass in order to satisfy his/her graduation requirements. Major Option modules are modules which are offered as part of a major and count towards the depth requirements for graduation with a major.
The 68 MC breadth modules include UBD compulsory modules, Discovery year, and non-FOS modules that can be taken from a broad range of subjects from other faculties.
Discovery Year (32 MC)
Students can take up internships, incubation projects, community outreach project and study abroad/exchange programme (depending on their cGPA) during Discovery Year (5th and 6th semesters). For further enquiries, please contact our DY coordinator.
Compulsory breadth (16 MC)
These are modules that all students must read and pass to satisfy their graduation requirement. The Compulsory breadth modules are Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB), Communication Skills I, Communications Skills II and Islamic Civilization and the Modern World.
Breadth (20 MC)
Breadth modules are designated modules that students are free to choose to read to satisfy the breadth requirements of their degrees. Students are advised to take all their Breadth modules from outside Faculty with at least 4 modular credits from breadth modules offered by FASS, SBE, LC, SHBIE or APB.
Level Requirement
Students can only accumulate a maximum of 40 MC for all Level 1000 module (Major & Breadth), and it is compulsory to take a minimum of 24 MC of Level 4000 modules.
Summary of Bachelor of Science Programme
MAJOR area of study (at least 72 MC) | BREADTH exposure (at least 68MC) |
Choose a MAJOR form any of the following: Applied Physics Chemical Sciences Environmental and Life Sciences Geological Sciences Mathematical Sciences Max. of 40 MC of Level 1000 modules (Major + Breadth) At least 24 MC of level 4000 modules |
Compulsory Breath Modules (16 MC) Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB) (4MC) Communication Skills I (4MC) Communication Skills II (4MC) Islamic Civilisation and the Modern World (4MC) Compulsory non-FOS modules (16 MC) At least 16 MC of non-FOS modules (include at least 4MC from FASS, SBE, LC, SHBIE or APB) FOS* or non-FOS modules (4 MC) * breadth module from declared major will not be counted towards MC required for graduation, but will count towards cGPA Discovery Year (32 MC) |
Each module is coded by using the following scheme:
Faculty: | S - Faculty of Science |
Programme: | B - Environmental and Life Sciences; C - Chemical Sciences; G - Geological Sciences; M - Mathematical Sciences, P - Applied Physics |
Level: | 1 = 1000 ; 2 = 2000 ; 3 = 3000 ; 4 = 4000 ; 5 = 5000 |
Type: | 1- Degree Core ; 2 - Major Core ; 3 - Major Option; 4 - Breadth; 5 - Compulsory Breadth |
Module No. | 01, 02, 03… etc. |
Performance tracking
The cumulative Grade Point Average system (cGPA) is used to track the academic performance of a student. Information on the calculation and level weightage can be obtained from the University’s GenNext rules and regulation document.
A student must maintain cGPA of not less than 1.5, otherwise he/she will receive the “Probationary" status, and if he/she holds probationary status for two consecutive semesters, the student will be terminated from the University.
Registration of Modules
A student is required (except for the final semester of their degree) to read a minimum of 16 modular credits and a maximum of 24 modular credits in any one semester. Students who do not register for at least 16 modular credits in any one semester will be put under probationary status.
If a student wants to take more than 24 MC for a particular semester, he/she must seek approval from the Dean of Science. As taking more than 24 modular credits entails an extremely heavy workload, approval will be discretionary and considered on a case-by-case basis.
Students can register for any module provided they satisfy the module prerequisite, if any. We strongly advise students to consult their Programme Leader before signing up for modules.
Students can declare their chosen major area between their first semester of candidature and before the commencement of their fourth semester.
Sample of 4-year plan

Major =18 x 4 MC = 72 MC Breadth Non FOS + Compulsory=9 x 4 MC = 36 DY = 32 MC TOTAL= 140 MC
Prerequisites and Antirequisites
Prerequisites can be imposed on a module where some foundational knowledge is needed before a student should read that particular module. Students must ensure that they have the necessary prerequisites before enrolling for such modules.
Antirequisites shall be imposed on any two or more modules that overlap substantially in their contents. Students shall be allowed to read only one of such modules that have been linked with antirequisites.
Students reading a module shall be assessed on the overall performance in the module, a combination of continual assessment and/or written examinations and/or other suitable methods. Some modules may have 100% continual assessment. The continual assessment grade shall be a combination of grades from different pieces of class work. The specific methods and proportions of assessment components are stated clearly on the published module content/description of each module provided in the respective programme weblink. Students are strongly encouraged to attend all lectures. Attendance at tutorials/laboratory classes is compulsory. If a student fails to attend 60% of the tutorials/laboratory classes for a particular module, he/she shall be barred from taking the examinations for that particular modules.