Enhancing the Use of Simulation Software with Artificial Intelligence Methods for Clean Energy System Performance


Clean energy resources is one of the common topics of research which contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 7), as to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. One of the target indicators is to promote access to research, technology, and investments in clean energy. This chapter is looking at the feasibility of using simulation software such as ANSYS, which uses artificial intelligence (AI) methods to automatically find simulation parameters in order to improve speed and accuracy simultaneously in the product design for clean energy system. One of the product design being simulated is for the hydrokinetic turbine system, typically used to drive power production from natural flow of a river, especially located in rural areas, and this system is usually not connected to national grid electricity services. Using AI enhancement, the ANSYS simulation will help the engineers quickly to explore and predict whether or not the product design works in the real world, by looking at its energy performance. Thus, this simulation software is not only important for research but also beneficial for teaching and learning in higher education, in which students, especially engineering students could explore their products design in more depths using AI enhancement simulation software packages.

Intelligent Systems of Computing and Informatics

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