Towards the end of the first wave of COVID-19 pandemics for Brunei Darussalam, our Teaching and Learning (T&L) have been lying on blending learning instead of onlineOnline learning alone with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPStandard Operating Procedures (SOP)) are still in place. Face to Face interactionFace to Face interaction between lecturer and students is conducted during Practical/Tutorial Class sessionsPractical/Tutorial Class sessions, but OnlineOnline Lecture (via recorded videoRecorded video) or Live Teaching are still conducted via online IT platformsOnline IT platforms such as Microsoft Teams, CANVAS or ZOOMMicrosoft Teams, CANVAS or ZOOM. OnlineOnline Live Teaching will be recorded, to ensure easy access for students whenever needed. The main objective of this study is to investigate how effectiveEffective is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)Artificial Intelligence (AI)during blended learningBlended learning to students’ engagement and study performanceStudy performance as well as to find out the benefits and challenges faced by students in blended learningBlended learning. A study has been conducted on the Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) students’ from all faculties for Semester II session (January–May 2021), i.e. duringJanuary-May 2021 the period of blended learning, through online questionnaires. A total of 102 students from different faculties participated in this study. The research finding from the study shows that the use of AI simulation toolsAI simulation tools for research project module and final year advanced applied mathematicsResearch project module and final year advanced applied mathematics is greatly beneficial especially undergraduate BSc studentsUndergraduate BSc studentsduring blended learningBlended learning period (i.e. during onlineOnline live teaching and/or recorded teaching) and AI simulation toolsAI simulation tools can be enhanced further during Tutorial/Practical lessons (Face-to-Face interaction). In general, blended learning is well received by the students, with positive effects in students’ motivationMotivation, attitudeAttitudeand study performanceStudy performance. As a result, students recognized blended learningBlended learning which provides greater accessibilityAccessibility and time flexibilityFlexibility, even though internet issuesInternet issues, and lack of interactionsLack of interactions are the most common issues in blended learning.
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