The current study examines the impact of Advance Amber Warning Signal (AAWS) on driver behaviour and decision-making processes at two junctions on a roadway. Through on-road observations and decision tree analysis, data was collected to assess the effects of AAWS on driver responses to a yellow dilemma. The results indicated that AAWS led to a significant increase in the percentage of drivers who accelerated before stopping at the junction, while reducing uncertain changes between braking and accelerating. Moreover, AAWS resulted in improved stopping propensity, and a substantial reduction in red light violations. These findings demonstrate the positive influence of AAWS on driver behaviour, improved decision-making, and enhanced compliance with traffic regulations. The presence of AAWS equips drivers with the necessary tools to navigate challenging scenarios on the road and make safe decisions during critical moments. As a result, the implementation of AAWS has the potential to significantly enhance junction safety, optimise driver behaviour, and contribute to overall road safety measures.
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